“Years support” refers to your right to inherit property after the death of your spouse or the parent of a minor child regardless of what is written in the will. The “year” refers to an amount you would receive not an actual time period of the award. It refers to an amount that would be sufficient to provide for the surviving spouse or minor children for one year.
If there is no objection filed, the amount awarded can be greater. In many cases, the surviving spouse can petition for Years Support. A minor child may also apply for Years Support as long as they are under the age of 18 and not married.
There are many complex and moving parts to the process of petitioning for Years Support in the state of Georgia. For example, during the process you may challenge the amount that the petitioner proposes to set aside in probate court. You must also clearly and carefully list all people who you believe may have in interest in the probate estate. In addition, all sources of income need to be calculated in order to accurately challenge the petition.
For these reasons, Stephen H. Hagler LLC, Attorney at Law strongly suggests seeking the assistance and services of his probate law firm as you navigate the challenging task of petitioning for Years Support. He has been creating wills and assisting families in the process of probating and administering estates and filing Years Support since 1991. Contact his office today.
Posted on behalf of Stephen H. Hagler, LLC